Publicity and Public Relations commonly referred to as ‘PR’ ought to be a foundational chunk of your marketing, branding and communications strategy if you are serious about building your business.
There’s no question about that…

If you have ever wondered why successful people are in the media – consider this – much like the chicken and the egg, getting into the media positions you to be successful, but in order to be in a media position, you need to have a presence. PR will help you get there. Ask anyone who has ever had to fight for media coverage, half the battle is what you do, while the other is who you know. We make it our job to build your profile an increase top-of-mind awareness to the relevant media. Pretty soon, you’ll have the media knocking on your door for commentary.

Editorial mention, coverage and articles have 3 x time readership impact than advertising, and better yet, cost only a fraction of the cost of bought media space. Ready to talk PR now?